BELIEVERS TODAY, Celebrates its 3rd, Anniversary with another
SOUL FOOD & Gospel Concert Brunch!
[WE ARE ONE – REUNITED FOR JAPAN] Annual Tohoku Fundraiser will be held at
[WE ARE ONE – REUNITED FOR JAPAN] Annual Tohoku Fundraiser will be held at
JPOP CAFÉ, in Shibuya on April 21st, 2013.
Doors will open at 1:00
pm food and performances from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm.
Purchase your tickets
in advance, seats are limited:
4,000 Yen, (includes, Live Music, Soul
Food Buffet with two drinks, table seats)
2,500 Yen (includes Live Music, one drink, Buffet not included)
For more info and reservations contact us at:
or call: 080-5510-4593
* * *
Not For Sale Japan, will also make a presentation on “Human Trafficking”
This event will be to be filmed and take part in a movie entitled (SEARCHING FOR SUSHI AND SAKI) by “MCLIPS” and Japan Video.
This event will be to be filmed and take part in a movie entitled (SEARCHING FOR SUSHI AND SAKI) by “MCLIPS” and Japan Video.
MCLIPS is an
Independent Hollywood Film Company that makes movies that are not only
innovative and meaningful but are meant to “MAKE A DIFFERENCE” in the
lives of those that have seen them, by inspiring others to do good as
well. Japan Video Support is a Tokyo based video production company that
specializes in providing English speaking video production crews for
international video productions taking place in Japan.
The Film
"Searching for Sushi and Saki" is about Tom, an American
thirty-something who has recently moved to Tokyo from LA for what he
thinks is just a temporary gig, struggles with feelings of isolation in a
land where he doesn’t speak the language and all of his relationships
are online.
He’s self-absorbed and pretends to be a cooler version of
himself on the ‘net.
Then he meets Saki, a free-spirited Japanese woman who teaches him about Tokyo and relating to others in a more personal way. She tries to help him live in the present and communicate with words, not with texts and email. She gets him to attend a fundraiser concert that she is performing at, which leads him to a whole new outlook on life. well ……. You’re invited to the filming to find out more.
Then he meets Saki, a free-spirited Japanese woman who teaches him about Tokyo and relating to others in a more personal way. She tries to help him live in the present and communicate with words, not with texts and email. She gets him to attend a fundraiser concert that she is performing at, which leads him to a whole new outlook on life. well ……. You’re invited to the filming to find out more.
ビリーバーズ・トゥデイ(BELIEVERS TODAY)は、創設3周年を迎えるにあたり、
(=日本のためにひとつになって再びつながろう)東北支 援チャリティーコンサートが、
2013年4月21日(日)、渋谷のJPOP CAFÉ にて行なわれます。
開場は午後1時、食事と演奏は1時30分より3時30分 。
座席数が限られているので、チケットはお早めにご予約を !
4,000円(ライヴ演奏、ソウルフード・ビュッフェ+ ドリンク2杯、テーブル席)
2,500円(ライヴ演奏、ドリンク1杯、ビュッフェな し)
2013年4月21日(日)、渋谷のJPOP CAFÉ にて行なわれます。
または 080-5510-4593 まで
* * *
Not For Sale Japan(ノット・フォー・セール・ジャパン)も
本公演は、MCLIPSおよびJapan Videoが制作する映画
『Searching For Sushi and Saki』の一部として、撮影されます。
MCLIPSはハリウッドのインディペンデント映画会社 で、革新的で意義があるだけでなく、観る人の生活に“変 化を与え”、その周囲の人々にも刺激を与えて、良い行い が伝播していくような映画を撮っています。Japan Video Supportは東京を拠点とする映像制作会社で、日本 国内での映像制作を行う、英語を話す国際映像制作チーム へのサービスを行っています。
映画は、ロサンゼルスに住む30代の青年トムが、日本で コンピューターの仕事を見つけて来日するところから始ま ります。言葉が通じないため閉じこもりがちになっていた ところ、インターネットで日本人の女の子サキに出会いま す。サキはトムをもっと社交的にさせるために街に誘い出 し、日本の文化に触れさせようとします。サキはついにト ムを、自分が出演するチャリティーコンサートに誘い、そ こでトムは全く新しい人生の見方に導かれるのです。トム とサキはどうなるのか……ぜひ撮影の現場に来て、確かめ てください。
『Searching For Sushi and Saki』の一部として、撮影されます。
Click the picture to follow the link to the event's Facebook page!
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